With you. Whatever your next relationship step.
Facing divorce, dissolution or breakup? Need urgent legal help? Or expert guidance to save your troubled relationship? If so, I've got you covered.
I'm Sheela, a seasoned divorce lawyer, with a twist: I'm also a Relationship and Divorce Coach. Your go-to expert for navigating tough relationship issues and breakups.
I've 30+ years specializing in securing amicable divorces. I also lead the way in repairing family breakdowns and revitalizing struggling relationships.
Please don't wait for your relationship to unravel. Divorce should be the last resort, not the default option. Why not Get Relationship Smarter? I can help optimize your relationship health, care and satisfaction to prevent breakup.

Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart is a divorce lawyer with a twist; an ex-barrister, relationship expert and founder of iFamiliesUK, a divorce and relationship consultancy, championing family health and wellbeing. With 1 in 3 marriages ending, Sheela is leading the way in tackling the beast that costs society £51bn per year!
With 30+ years of legal expertise, Sheela has a front row seat to divorce. Today, she leverages this wealth of insights to her practice forging a new path. Armed with innovative coaching techniques, she is your go-to divorce lawyer with a twist . She prioritises rescuing and saving marriages, reminding us that love is worth fighting for to avoid the courtroom! She has saved 100+ marriages.
But if marriages are unsalvageable, Sheela becomes the “Divorce Whisperer” guiding clients to Divorce Smarter. Armed with out-of-court settlements and post-divorce harmony strategies, she eases the emotional pain during divorce and save families their hard-earned cash.
Sheela has been dubbed the “Relationship Guru” in her extensive international and national media appearances. It’s Sheela’s mission to help everyone ‘Get Relationship Smarter’, strengthening the nation’s relationship health and resilience, one family at a time.
In the press

"Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart, founder of FamiliesUK, says many cohabitees are under the false impression they are common law spouses, with the same guaranteed protections and financial and legal rights as married couples."

- Midlife crisis is a phenomenon that affects some 58 per cent of men in the UK
- Matrimonial consultant Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart reveals the warning signs
- She explains five simple ways for dealing with your husband's midlife crisis

"Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart is a Matrimonial Consultant and Relationship Guru on a crusade to reduce relationship breakdown in society by making us 'relationship-smarter."
"My lawyers were ludicrously litigious, eye-wateringly expensive and my case was moving at a snail's pace, with no resolution in sight! I desperately needed a fresh perspective and quick pathway to resolution. Thank God I found Sheela!"
"Everyone needs a Sheela on their team! Sheela helped me to save a lot on legal expenses, as she settled my case out of court within 6 months and my ex and I have a good post-divorce relationship and co-parent well."
Areas of expertise
- Relationship Coaching
- Divorce Legal Services
- Pre-Split Advice & Coaching
- Post-Divorce Coaching
- Mentoring